Fall Wall Art

Our living room is already nature-themed with browns and tans and leaf covered curtains. I still feel that it’s in need of some sprucing up for Fall so I’ve been scouring the house and our storage shed for things in Fall colors. This tutorial is not at all eco-friendly unless you consider that it’s handmade from things I already had and the pumpkins are printed on recycled paper, but it was really easy and inexpensive.

Starting Supplies

These pumpkins are courtesy of Disney Family Fun. Disney Family Fun has some really cute printables throughout the year for personal organization, home decor, crafts for the kids and more. Check it out!

Mix a little

Next I mixed some acrylics. I started out with no plan for this project. I had a blank canvas that has been mocking me and loved the pattern on these pumpkin “doilies.” My fabric way to paint is just to put paint to canvas and see what happens.

I ended up with a wash like this.

Three Pumpkins

And this was the end result…



I apologize for the poor clarity of pictures. My camera is broken and my phone is all I have to work with at the moment.