FREE “Green” tips at your Local Home Depot

Mamas you MUST visit for all the wonderful “Do it Herself” projects. Here you can find LOTS of great tips and projects from the website. Home Depot holds weekly events at local stores as well. Today I was watching a tutorial on composting and reading about it today on their website to determine if I wanted to build one or buy one premade. They have lots of great information!

The events are on Saturdays – perfect for moms who work outside the home. These are chocked full of great information on gardening, home remodeling, painting, composting, building fences, etc. Home improvement is NOT a man’s job anymore! This Saturday I’m attending one on gardening and one on painting interiors from 10am -12 pm. Everything is FREE! If you enjoy Doing-it-Yourself, you can sign up here: for updates, savings, workshops, and more.

About palaciosamantha
I'm a Social Media Manager for a large home decor company who enjoys staying current in trends in both the fashion and home industries. I have a passion for writing, art journaling, expressive painting, and photography. My greatest loves are my two children.

2 Responses to FREE “Green” tips at your Local Home Depot

  1. Lorena says:

    Since I have moved out on my own I haven’t been very good at remodeling and needed allot of help. I started going to Home Depot and speaking with the staff about what I needed and how much it would cost me. They told me about the “Do it Herself” and I have become much more hands-on with things going on around the house. I also got a Home Depot promotional code to save everytime I shop.

  2. I have to admit I have had a lot of bad experiences at Home Depot. Once I used an automated checker machine. The machine broke and I had to go through a whole hassle to get my change. I mean it took about an hour. I didn’t get anywhere at the store but I went to the company website found the right people to expalin the problem to they offered me a gift card so that I will keep shopping there. I do a lot of decorating in my line of work so I end up spending a lot of money at lowes and home depot.

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